
The Podworks is a room on SkyTown, Elysia in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.


The Podworks is the interior of the Spire. Upon entrance, there is an L-shaped Morph Ball tunnel that ends with a piston going down into the room. Progress is impeded by metals that will melt if shot with a high temperature weapon. The room itself is square in shape, with a central square-shaped tower containing an almost eye-like construct. A damaged circuit board is by each side; the one on the right is covered by plating that must be ripped off. A final circuit board is found within the tower, blocked by a fragile gate that can be also be ripped off. Repairing all of the boards causes two cables to light up and bring power to the Pod, while the Skytown Announcer says "Escape pod online."


Ben Sprout wireframe render elysia spire dock maintenance shaft

To destroy the Leviathan Shield Generators for the Elysia Seed, Samus Aran was required to utilize the Spire Dock, since she could not reach them with her Gunship. After fending off a Space Pirate attack, Samus began the destruction sequence for the Dock. The Spire released an Emergency Evacuation Pod for her to escape with, however due to unknown reasons (likely old age or tampering by another party {Most likely a Space Pirate}) the Pod malfunctioned, forcing Samus to work quickly to repair it as the Spire would drop the Theronian bomb in five minutes. To repair the Pod, Samus had to fuse three circuit boards with her Plasma Beam. After the repairs were made, Steamspiders would begin invading the Podworks, though they pose little threat to Samus. She had to return the way she came in and activate the escape pod, escaping just before the Spire falls onto the Leviathan Shield, causing the destruction of both the shield and the Spire.

After the Pod lands back on SkyTown, this room can no longer be accessed since the Spire has been destroyed.

Connecting rooms[]



Circuit board
"Circuit board is exposed and malfunctioning. Repairs to damaged sections necessary."
Circuit board (repaired)
"Circuit board repairs successful. Systems online and functioning normally."
Circuit board (2)
"Circuit board operates escape pod systems. Repair board to bring pod systems back online."
Circuit Board (3)
"Circuit board handles escape pod track system. Unable to extend track while damaged."
Piston (offline)
"System malfunction. Piston is no longer active. Restore power to resume operation."
Piston (online)
"Piston is receiving power. Lift operations restored. Enter hologram to activate."
Safety shutter
"Safety shutter is locked. It could be ripped apart if pulled with a strong enough force."
"Gate appears fragile. It could probably be pulled of its hinges with enough force."

Development notes[]

The room's internal name is 15_skytown_escapepod, referencing its role relating to the Escape Pod. The keyword skytown indicates Skytown, Elysia, and the prefix 15 indicates that this is the last of 15 main rooms throughout the planet.

