
Power Bomb Blocks are a type of destructible block that appear in Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Zero Mission, and Metroid: Samus Returns. As their name suggests, Power Bomb Blocks can only be destroyed by Power Bombs. Power Bomb Blocks, like other destructible blocks, are identical in appearance to the blocks around them until they are revealed by Morph Ball Bombs.

Their counterpart in Metroid Prime is Bendezium, and in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes it is Denzium.

Official data

Super Metroid manual

Power Bomb Block SM "Blocks with the Power Bomb icon can be destroyed by Power Bombs."

Metroid Fusion manual

Power Bomb Block MF "Use Power Bombs to destroy these special blocks."

Metroid Zero Mission manual

Power Bomb Block MZM "Only the blast of a Power Bomb can destroy these blocks."
