"Chozo script translated."

This article's name is an unofficial translation from official Japanese media and may not represent the canonical English name, if one exists.
An alternate name from an official source may be required.

Samus Eater Buds (サムス イーター (つぼみ) Samusu Ītā (Tsubomi)?)[1], also known as hanging plants[2], are unbloomed flowers that appear once in Metroid Fusion.


Samus Eater Buds are seen during the battle with Nettori in Sector 2. They are a pair of small, unbloomed flowers sprouting at the top of two large opposing tree pillars within the overgrown chamber, that repeatedly open and fire spores to try and keep Samus from damaging the mother plant. They can adjust their bodies so that they can face Samus's position before firing. The sprouts are invincible to damage, however Samus can repeatedly use weapons such as Power Bombs and Beam or Missile shots to eliminate the spores before they make contact in order to stay on the platforms and avoid falling into the below Samus Eaters. Samus can cleverly use her Morph Ball to avoid some of the spores, depending on her position. After Samus blows off the Nettori's front, the buds explode.

Although their Japanese name indicates that these are young variants of Samus Eaters, these buds have never been encountered by Samus outside of the X Parasite-infested Biologic Space Laboratories research station, not even on Zebes. They also perish once phase 2 of Nettori's battle commences, making them more linked to Nettori itself rather than the Samus Eaters below, although the Samus Eaters will be the ones to spew spores at this time.


Metroid Fusion 2 hours 100% completion Complete Clear Guide
Samus Eater (Bud)
Location: Sector 2
A bud of the Samus Eater. Occasionally opens its petals to scatter its offspring. The spores cause damage upon contact, so caution is required.


  • On Easy Mode in the Japanese version of the game, they remain closed and do not fire spores at all.
  • Samus Eater Buds are akin to the pods found on the ceiling of Spore Spawn's room, which release spores in a similar fashion.


