Sourced name
"No matches found in flora and fauna databank"

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Sandfangs[1] are large, worm-like ambush predators that inhabit the desert area of the Pyrosphere. They poke their heads out of the sand to determine Samus's position and distance, and then burrow underground and attempt to attack her from below, tossing her in their jaws and dealing significant damage. The worms will also attempt to lunge at Samus or spit large spheres of what appears to be mucus if their target is nearby. Their lunging attack can sometimes backfire by causing the Sandfang to leave the ground entirely- nearly immobile once above the surface, the worm will squirm helplessly for a few seconds before it can return to its burrow.

Official Data[]

Metroid: Other M Premiere Edition[]

Mid-Level Enemies (p. 12)
"Sandfangs are large worms that live underground. Found in sandy areas, these subterranean fiends are not very common. In fact, you'll only encounter them in two or three areas on the BOTTLE SHIP. When you do come face-to-face with the Sandfang, don't panic. Sandfangs only leap out of the sandy pits when you are directly over them. Quickly dodge their chomp attacks and hit them with a few Charge Beam blasts. If you draw them out, you can also finish them off from a distance with a few missiles."


  • The ambush behavior and wormlike physiology of the Sandfang are shared by the Fune and Namihe, as well as the Sandigger species.
    • The Sandfang also resembles the Graboids from the Tremors movie series.
  • Sandfangs are referred to as Sandlers in the game's internal files.


