
Security Tube is a room in SkyTown on Elysia. It appears in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.


The room is, as the name implies, mostly a Morph Ball tunnel. At first, there is a dome blocking the entrance to the tunnel, with Phazon Vines in the way as well. To destroy the obstruction, Samus must enter Morph Ball mode inside a Bomb Slot on the ground. Entering it will open the dome, and thus allow Samus to destroy the vines with the Hyper Ball.

Connecting rooms[]


Phazon vines
"Phazon vines are impervious to attack, but growths are vulnerable to Phazon-based weaponry."
Bomb Slot
"The pressure plate inside this slot controls the nearby hatch shutters."
Bomb Slot (used)
"This control unit has already been used and is permanently offline."

Development notes[]

The room's internal name is 0y17_skytown_morphball, referencing the Morph Ball tunnel that makes up most of the room. The keyword skytown indicates Skytown, Elysia, and the prefix 0y17 indicates that this is the 17th of 22 pod corridors throughout the planet.

