"Space Pirate encrypted data decoded."

The subject of this article is not named in-game.
The current title is from the game's internal data.

Shrimps[1] and Amoeba[2] are small, aquatic creatures in Metroid Dread.


Despite their name, Shrimps do not resemble Earth shrimps. They are much smaller creatures that resemble spheres or small tadpoles with gills under their bodies. Shrimps and Amoeba appear in schools (groups) in pools of water throughout Burenia, and in Dairon close to the two Shuttles to Burenia. They play a similar role to Butterflies and Light Insects in dry land areas of ZDR.

Shrimps and Amoeba are not hostile. Shrimps will swim away when approached by Samus Aran, but return to their initial locations on subsequent visits. Amoeba do not move when approached since they are further into the background than Shrimps, which are in the foreground. Samus cannot harm Amoeba or Shrimps, and they do not react to Samus if she approaches them with the Phantom Cloak active.

It is unknown whether Shrimps and Amoeba become infected by X Parasites after they are released from Elun, since they remain docile and cannot be killed to release X. Shrimps will scatter and flee if approached by an X, presumably to avoid infection, while Amoeba remain in place. Although ADAM instructs Samus to assume that all life on ZDR have become infected, the X have been known to ignore bioforms if perceived as potentially weak hosts, such as the Etecoons and Dachoras and numerous other background species on ZDR.


  1. ^ In the game's internal files, the model is referred to as "shrimps".
  2. ^ In the game's internal files, this creature is a particle effect referred to as "amoebaparticles00" or "amoebas00".
