
Shrine Access is a room in the Sky Temple Grounds. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It, as the name implies, serves as access to the Defiled Shrine. Some Phazon puddles exist within the bipedal part of the room. Since Samus never obtains any protection against Phazon in Echoes, these harm her upon contact.

The Aether version of this room is Service Access.

Connecting rooms[]


4 Corrupted Sentreye
"Mechanism: Corrupted Sentreye
Darkling-possessed armed monitor system.
Used by the Ing to protect key areas. Can be stunned by most weapons: charged light energy will destroy target."


"Morphology: Bladepod
Living storage units of the Ing Horde.
These Ing morph their bodies around useful items to protect them. They rely on larger Ing for protection."
Light Beacon
"Xenotech: Luminoth Light Beacon
Generates protective field when energized.
Light Beacons must be energized by Beam weapon fire to function, and remain charged for a limited time."


  • Curiously, the Phazon in this room produces a different damaging sound effect instead of the normal Phazon corruption sound. In this room, damage from contact with the substance produces a "metal hit" sound effect similar to the damaging sound effect from contact with Tallon Crabs from Prime or a superheated floor in Norion from Corruption. This trait is shared with the room's adjacent room: Gateway Access.

