"Space Pirate encrypted data decoded."
The subject of this article is not named in-game.
The current title is from the game's internal data.
The Sunnap[1] is a species found in Artaria on ZDR.
A Sunnap is a wall and ceiling-mounted organism with large teeth. While immobile, it will bite at Samus Aran if she comes too close. It is apparently amphibious, able to survive both on land and underwater throughout the Artaria cave system.
A similar creature called the Rodotuk appears in other areas of ZDR and may be a related species.
After the X Parasites are released from their quarantine in Elun, all Sunnaps become infected by the X. They are not enhanced or changed in any way by the X.
- The Sunnap's name is a pun on the verb "snap", referring to its biting attack.
- ^ "Sunnap" is the model's title in Metroid Dread's files.