
The Super Missile (スーパーミサイル Sūpā Misairu?) is a weapon often found in the Metroid series that provides a stronger alternative to normal Missiles. It is usually one of the stronger components of Samus' arsenal.


2D Metroid series[]

In Metroid: Zero Mission and Super Metroid, the Super Missile is acquired by collecting a Super Missile Tank and is used much like a regular Missile, but is much stronger. The weapon can open both green and red doors in one shot and destroy Super Missile Blocks. In Zero Mission, Samus Returns, and Super Metroid the Super Missile has a separate set of ammunition that has to be selected, but the expansion numbers between the three games differ; in Super Metroid, Samus gains five Super Missiles when she obtains an expansion, whereas in Metroid: Zero Mission, she gains one or two missiles per expansion on Hard or Normal difficulty, respectively and in Samus Returns, Samus starts out with 5 Super Missiles when she collects this ability in Area 4, but gains only 1 Super Missile per expansion.

In Super Metroid, the Super Missiles move at a quicker speed than normal Missiles. The appearance of the Super Missile in these games differs from the design of the regular Missile, being its first appearance. While the regular Missile has a streamlined rocket-like shape with a small red or pink warhead at the tip, the Super Missile has a much more cylindrical shape with a ring around the midsection and a very large green warhead at the tip.

In Samus Returns, Super Missiles are useful for damaging Metroids and can destroy Missile Blocks, although doing so can be considered a waste of Super Missile Ammo.

In Metroid Fusion, Super Missiles are gained from a Data Room upgrade. These Super Missiles completely overwrite the initial Missile upgrade, meaning their ammo can be gained from the Green X Parasites and can consume one unit of Missile ammo per Super Missile, just like the normal Missiles. They have triple the firepower of regular Missiles (or 15 times stronger than a normal Power Beam shot) and have the ability to destroy purple Geron on the Biologic Space Laboratories research station. They highly resemble the original Power Suit Missiles, gaining a pinkish tip and more pronounced prongs than those from the initial Missile upgrade. These Super Missiles also release a larger amount of exhaust from their propulsion when they are flying and have a larger explosion and create a small earthquake upon detonation. The later Diffusion Missile upgrade changes the appearance of the Fusion Suit's missiles to highly resemble the original Power Suit Super Missiles. The SA-X, in its first appearance, used a Super Missile to completely destroy a door, indicating that the firepower of a Super Missile is fully capable of destroying Grey Hatches (Security Level 0). It would use them on Samus if it froze her in place, causing additional major damage to Samus. It no longer uses this combo once Samus got the Varia Suit and could no longer be frozen in place.


Zero Mission, still image.

The Super Missile makes a comeback yet again in Metroid: Other M. It is authorized for use by Adam while in the Pyrosphere when Samus is under attack by an unviewable flying fire-breathing creature, and orders her to destroy the Magma-eruption port to release the lava flow which is guarded by a Super Missile hatch. Of course, its lethal powers are used to destroy certain objects and damage specific enemies, including RidleyNightmare, and the Queen Metroid. It works similar to the Charge Combo variant from the Prime series; using a mix of the Charge Beam and five Missiles. Interestingly enough, the Super Missile has a slight recoil when fired, causing Samus to move backward a few steps. This is the only game to have these weapons with recoil.

The Seeker Missiles in Other M, unlike in the Prime series, are actually an upgrade to the Super Missile. After obtaining the Seekers and then charging up for a Super Missile, Samus can lock on up to an additional four targets around her selected target to fire up to four regular Missiles against those extra targets, depending on how many are there.

In Dread, Samus utilizes a Super Missile against Raven Beak during their first fight at the start of the game. The Missile manages to stun the Chozo temporarily and leaves a scar over his left eye, although it ultimately did minimal damage overall. It is later reacquired as an upgrade over the regular Missiles, as in Fusion, from a Chozo Statue in Ghavoran.

Metroid Prime series[]

Super Missile

The Super Missile in Metroid Prime.

In the Metroid Prime series, the Super Missile is the most frequently used Charge Combo and is usually the first one to be claimed. The Super Missile is used to defeat certain enemies, destroy Cordite in Metroid Prime, and to open Green Blast Shields in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. In both games, the Super Missile Charge Combo is the only one required to complete the game. It is obtained in the Observatory in Prime, while the combo is obtained by defeating eight Space Pirates in the Torvus Temple in Echoes. It is a Single Shot Charge Combo in both games.

Meta Ridley Super Missile

Samus fires a Super Missile at her nemesis, causing incredible knockback.

The Super Missile is fired by charging up a shot from the Power Beam and then simultaneously firing a Missile. The Super Missile would then launch, and if the lock-on targeting system was currently in use, it would home in onto the current target. The Super Missile uses up 5 missiles each blast, but has the strength of roughly 6, making it efficient at dealing damage. A Super Missile's power is capable of causing knockback to many creatures, such as with Space Pirates, Meta Ridley (in Prime) or Chykka. A Super Missile can eliminate most enemies with its power and if not, recoil them into a stunned state (if not immune to them). Super Missiles also possess a rather somewhat large blast radius upon impact, allowing multiple adjacent enemies to also be affected by its small explosion. The explosion can kill weaker enemies while stunning larger threats.

Appearance-wise, a Super Missile fired fittingly appears to be a mix of a Charged Power Beam shot and a Missile. The initial object being fired from the Arm Cannon is a large round yellow orb possessing a long golden trail, with a purple aura trailing near the front half of a blast. The orb could represent a Charge Beam shot, while the purple aura could represent a Missile's aura, with both aspects of the weapons joining in unified power.

Unused data from Echoes mentions a material called Kelbium, which is vulnerable to Super Missiles.

In the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Multiplayer a Super Missile deals exactly 50 damage, enough to take down a player with max energy in two shots. When the Super Missile item is acquired, all normal missile are changed into Super Missiles, meaning Super Missiles can be fired without the need of the Power Beam (though the Charge Combo method will still work).

In Federation Force[]

Super Payload I

Super Payload description

In Metroid Prime: Federation Force, Super Missiles are usable by Federation Marines. They retain their destructive ability, but now have a seeking function similar to Samus' Seeker Missile Launcher. They move extremely slow in comparison to normal missiles, so it's best to make sure there's a vulnerable target that won't move anytime soon. The Super Payload three level MOD increases the damage output of Super Missiles by 10, 20 and up to 50%.

Super Missile
A seeking missile that creates a massive explosion on contact."
Super Payload
"Increase damage of Super Missiles by [10%/20%/30%]."

Other appearances[]

While not explicitly named "Super Missiles", in Metroid Prime Hunters Missiles can be charged in order to fire a single, more powerful Missile with limited homing ability.

The Super Missile is replaced by the Hyper Missile in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

Super Missiles were an intended ability of Samus's in Metroid Tactics, a game pitched by Paul Tozour at Retro Studios.

Super Smash Bros.[]

"What's the matter? All I said was that Komaytos look like little Metr-"

Non-canon warning: This article or section contains information that may not be considered an official part of the Metroid series in the overall storyline by Nintendo.
Super missle

Samus firing a Super Missile in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Samus can fire Super Missiles by using her Forward+B attack as a Smash attack. Super Missiles are more powerful and move a lot faster, but they cannot home in on opponents like regular Missiles can.

In Melee, the two Missile types are identical in appearance, but Brawl redesigns the Super Missile into its traditional green-tipped shape from Super Metroid.

Dark Samus is also shown to fire Super Missiles as well, although her variant is slightly different in design, looking more alien in appearance.

Non-canon warning: Non-canonical information ends here.

Game list[]

Game Maximum Super Missiles
Metroid: Zero Mission 30 (15 on Hard Mode)
Metroid: Samus Returns 35 (45 including Missile Reserve Tank)
Super Metroid 50

Official data[]

Super Metroid Nintendo Player's Guide[]

"Equivalent to the power of five Missiles, Super Missiles are very fast and powerful. Samus can carry a total of fifty."

Super Metroid Players' Guide[]

Terminals (page 8)
"More powerful than regular missiles but look after them, they're also much rarer. Arm and use super missiles in the same way as normal missiles. Location: Crateria, Brinstar, Norfair, Wrecked ship, Maridia."

Super Metroid GamePro Strategy Guide[]

Super Missiles
"These more powerful missiles are more difficult to come by."

Metroid Fusion manual[]

"Super Missiles are a more powerful version of the normal Missiles."

Metroid Fusion in-game acquisition message[]

"Super Missile data downloaded.
Hold [R] and press [B]."

Metroid Fusion: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide[]

"Screen-shaking Super Missiles pack a much stronger wallop than Samus's standard Missiles. You'll be able to destroy the eyeball-like guardians that cover some hatches with a single Super Missile hit, when it would require three standard Missiles to do the same job before your Missile upgrade.
Super Missiles are about three times as powerful as standard Missiles. You'll cause a lot of damage with them in your arsenal.
Location - Sector 3"

Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide[]

Super Missile
Location - Sector 3
Acquired By - Data download
Controls - Hold [R] and tap [B]
"A Super Missile packs a bigger punch than a regular missile, and it is the recommended weapon against the first Security Robot. However, quantities are limited, so finding hidden Missile Tanks is critical to your success."

Metroid Prime: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide[]

"The Super Missile uses a charged Power Beam to fire five Missiles at once. It's a devastating attack that can destroy most enemies with a single shot. You can also destroy some walls and other items with a Super Missile. Press and hold A to charge the Power Beam, then press Y to unleash a Super Missile."

Metroid Prime Official Strategy Guide[]

"The Super Missile is the Power Charge Combo. Super Missile is a Single Shot Charge Combo. Each shot costs 5 Missiles. Super Missiles can destroy objects made of Cordite, providing access to more areas."

Metroid Prime Official Perfect Guide[]

"This weapon uses up five Missiles from your reserve. Switch to the Power Beam, charged the Arm Cannon fully by holding A, then fire a Missile as you normally would. A Super Missile will be expelled. Super Missiles are as powerful as five Missiles shot simultaneously (hence the five-Missile depletion from the Missile reserve). They can also destroy any object made of "Cordite."

Official Metroid Prime website[]

"Weapon effect: Extreme lethality"

"Range: 10m"

"Weapon potential: Lethal"

"The Super Missile uses a charged Power beam to fire five missiles simultaneously. A devastating Super Missile attack is capable of destroying most enemies with a single shot. Its powerful blast is even strong enough to destroy objects made of pure Cordite."

Metroid: Zero Mission manual[]

"This is a more powerful version of the normal Missile."

Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide[]

Super Missile Tank
"Super Missiles unlock green hatches and rock big enemies. On Easy or Normal difficulty, a Super Missile Tank will increase your holding capacity by two super missiles. On Hard difficulty, it'll add one Super Missile."

Metroid: Zero Mission Samus Screen data[]

"Arm with select. Fire with [R]+[B]. Opens green hatches."

Inventory data[]

Super Missile

Metroid Prime

Inventory entry

The Super Missile is the Power Charge Combo.

Samus's Notes

Super Missile is a Single Shot Charge Combo. Each shot costs 5 Missiles.
Super Missiles can destroy objects made of Cordite

Super Missile

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Inventory entry

The Super Missile is the Power Charge Combo.

Samus's Notes

Each Super Missile shot costs 5 Missiles.

Metroid Prime/Metroid Prime 2: Echoes acquisition message[]

"Super Missile acquired!
This powerful attack uses 5 Missiles! Using the Power Beam, press and hold [A] to charge, then press [Y]/[Control Pad (Down)] to fire.
Additional data downloaded to Inventory Screen. Press [START]/[2] to access the Inventory Screen."

Metroid: Other M manual[]

Normal Missile/Super Missile
"Press and release the A Button while locked on to fire a missile. If you release the A Button when the charge gauge is fully charged, five missiles will be used and you'll shoot a powerful Super Missile."

Metroid: Other M Samus Screen data[]

"Effect: Ups missile damage. Uses 5 missiles per shot.
Controls: When locked on, press and hold [A] and release when fully charged."

Metroid: Other M on-screen tutorial[]

Press and hold [A] when locked on and release when fully charged."

Metroid: Other M Premiere Edition[]

Super Missile
"The Super Missile upgrade increases the power to your missiles five-fold. That also means that it requires five missiles for one blast. Like the Normal Missile, you can only fire the Super Missile in Search View mode, which will also leave you vulnerable while you lock on to your target. You must also power up the Super Missile, like the Charge Beam, so you are vulnerable even longer in Search View mode.
Tip: You don't have to lock on to an enemy to begin charging your Super Missile. While in Search View, begin charging up your Super Missile before you lock on to your target, then unleash your beefed-up attack as soon as you acquire a lock on."

Metroid: Samus Returns Samus Screen[]

"Super Missiles are more powerful and can open Green Doors. Hold [R] and tap its icon to equip. Hold [R] and press [Y] to fire."

Metroid: Samus Returns Official Guide[]

"Everyone loves Samus’ missiles, right? Unfortunately, sometimes they don’t get the job done. That’s where the Super Missile really shines: the same ease of access, but with exponentially more destructive power. Unlike standard missiles, Super Missiles should be saved and used wisely. They can simplify the game’s later Metroid encounters by a significant degree if you make each shot count."
"The Super Missile functions almost exactly the same way as a missile, but it’s significantly more powerful. Unlike missiles, you should reserve your Super Missiles for boss encounters and for destroying Super Missile Blocks. Refilling your Super Missile supply can be tough without the aid of an Ammo Recharge Station.
Super Missiles work with Green Doors in the same way missiles work with Red Doors. Fire a single Super Missile at the green dome to make it disappear, giving you the ability to open the door behind it.
To use Super Missiles, hold the R button and select them using the touchscreen in the same way you would select a different beam weapon."

Metroid Dread Samus Screen[]

Dread SuperMissile Demo A stronger version of the Missile.

Hold Switch Dread R button and press Switch Dread Y button to fire. Consumes Missile ammo.

They can destroy Super Missile Covers.


Echoes Super Seeker Missile Singleplayer

The Seeker Missile firing Super Missiles in singleplayer (via hacking).

  • A Super Missile's blast during fire (before exploding) resembles the yellow Particle Orb that Metroid Prime uses in one of its attacks. It is possible both objects share the same model.
  • Oddly in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Red Hatches reflect Super Missiles.
  • In Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Multiplayer, Seeker Missiles can be hacked and will function alongside a Super Missile power-up, turning all Missiles fired via the Seeker Missile into Super Missiles. Super Missiles fired this way will only home in on a target if Samus has a button Lock-on applied to a target and only on the locked on target. Otherwise, a Super Missile not currently locked on with L button will simply fire straight vertically regardless of who was targeted (if two or more targets were acquired). These missiles require more room for them to home in on an enemy, as due to the large size and firing speed of a Super Missile, they can easily explode on a surface or nearby wall (a good way to see the homing feature is by firing in mid-air within a large open room).
    • In a similar fashion, the Multiplayer version of the Super Missile can be hacked in singleplayer, where a similar action will occur, but can have 5 Super Missiles launched at a time from the Seeker Missile thanks in part to the larger Seeker Missile target maximum in singleplayer. Curiously, hacking the Multiplayer Super Missile item can also allow Samus to fire other charge combos in singleplayer under similar circumstances and in large simultaneous numbers (though only Super Missiles possess lock-on capabilities). Whereas in Multiplayer, any Beam will fire only Super Missiles if a Charge Combo is performed (if the other beam Charge Combos were also hacked).

