
I would like to see a video of this glitch.

I'm not sure how exactly to record this since this was viewed on an actual WII console, however I do have screenshots of the occurence. (Extracting them is another story...) DarkraiShadowXZ (talk) 21:51, April 29, 2019 (UTC) 

If you defeat the Leviathan bosses (Mogenar, Helios and Omega Ridley.) Do you change back to the PED Suit or do you stay in the Varia?

The suit will revert back to the PED Suit along with the correct Corruption Level. (25% for Mogenar, 50% for Helios, and 75% with Hazard Shield for Omega Ridley.) DarkraiShadowXZ (talk) 18:21, April 30, 2019 (UTC)

Oh, cause I was planning to do a Let’s Play Of Metroid Prime 3 with this glitch to do a Varia Suit Run, I know that Mogenar can be skipped, but you can’t get to the Pirate Homeworld without defeating Helios, I guess I will need 2 savefiles, where in savefile 2, I’ll skip the Grapple Lasso until I defeat Helios.

I did the glitch by using the moon jump code, and I discovered that if Samus gets terminally corrupted after doing this glitch, the cutscene where she turns into Dark Samus will show her in the PED Suit at 10% corruption, it’s likely they never made a Varia Suit version of that cutscene.

I believe it is possible without Moon Jump. Unmorphing immediately after obtaining Grapple Lasso produces a model oddity. (Not sure how to best describe this one, but a Video would help.) DarkraiShadowXZ (talk) 21:45, May 6, 2019 (UTC)

I am trying to do the glitch again, but when I go into morph ball mode to try and unmorph as soon as I pick it up, the game doesn’t let me.

It has to be immediately upon regaining control(s). Also, are you attempting this glitch on an Original Corruption Disc or in TrilogyDarkraiShadowXZ (talk) 20:18, August 17, 2019 (UTC)

I am attempting it on the original Corruption disc.

Samus should be standing while the player is morphing into a ball. At around the same time (in a split second) the Suit should revert to Varia.  DarkraiShadowXZ (talk) 22:06, August 17, 2019 (UTC)

(EDIT) Sorry for asking, but please try to sign your comments in the future. Thank You! DarkraiShadowXZ (talk) 22:09, August 17, 2019 (UTC)

Ok, I morphed after the Grapple Lasso acquired screen and I saw Samus stand still as she was morphing, but then the model disappeared leaving just the morph ball, am I doing it right? (Redgamer75 (talk) 05:03, August 19, 2019 (UTC))

I believe the standing Samus is correct. (Did that while moving Samus as well.) Did the Suit automatically change during the Morph? (sorry for asking! It has been a while since I remember performing this glitch. Am currently with other Metroid related projects at the moment...)  DarkraiShadowXZ (talk) 19:51, August 19, 2019 (UTC)

I was testing it before I got the PED Suit, when you get the grapple lasso normally, I will try again when I actually get the PED Suit. (Redgamer75 (talk) 22:03, August 19, 2019 (UTC))

One more question, if you acquire the Grapple Lasso when the PED Suit is at a higher corruption level (25%, 50% or 75%), will it still cause the PED to revert back to the Varia Suit or is it only 10%? Redgamer75 (talk) 03:55, February 13, 2020 (UTC)

Yes, it should always revert to Varia. Why? That is interesting. Anything unlocked is still kept. (Except 'Suits". Hazard Shield is considered a Suit.) Varia Suit run on Phaaze is extremely difficult, but do-able. (due to Anti-Phaaze HP not reading Varia suit?) DarkraiShadowXZ (talk) 19:36, February 13, 2020 (UTC)

Video Request[]

If anyone has access to a video pertaining the Reverse Corruption Glitch, please feel free to discuss and/or add to the page. Contributions would greatly be appreciated. Thank you! DarkraiShadowXZ (talk) 21:52, May 6, 2019 (UTC)
