
The Tower Elevator is a room on Norion. It appears in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.


The Tower Elevator is a tall shaft leading to the highest known point on Norion: the Control Tower. It can only be accessed after activating all three generators, after which a large door opens in the Cargo Hub and provides access to the elevator. Numerous doors are present within this elevator room, leading into many unexplored sections of the base. Two ventilation duct tunnels are also present, with small terminals in front of them likely for maintenance purposes.

When Samus Aran reaches the room, a door opens and she runs onto the elevator (via cutscene). The other three Bounty Hunters are present, waiting for Samus to catch up to them. Now in the elevator, Samus is restricted to only looking around and using her Visors. Gandrayda tells her she was almost left behind. She and the other Bounty Hunters make some conversation as the elevator descends up, but Samus does not speak with them (she would speak for the first time in Metroid: Other M). This room is the last chance for Samus to obtain the Logbook entries for each hunter before they are all corrupted and later killed. It is the only place where Rundas and Gandrayda can be scanned prior to corruption.

The Control Tower is closed off for repairs after the sequence where Dark Samus attacks, so a Federation Marine prevents Samus from returning to this elevator or the control room above it.


You're late! We were about to leave you behind. - Gandrayda

The meteor is approaching faster than you think! - Ghor

If we don't make it to the top in time, we can kiss this planet good-bye. - Gandrayda

Hey, relax! We're the good guys. Justice will prevail and all that stuff... right, Samus? - Rundas

We're here. Let's do this. - Ghor

Connecting rooms[]


Development notes[]

This room's internal name is 0h_gfplanet_elev. The keyword gfplanet indicates the planet Norion, and the alphabetic prefix 0h indicates that this is the eighth and final junction room on Norion.

Rundas and Gandrayda have a boundary box around them that causes them to become immune to weapons's fire in a similar manner as a Galactic Federation Marine. It is possible to fire at the three Bounty Hunters before Samus activates the elevator sequence, displaying their immunity.


  • This room can be revisited using Secret Worlds. The invisible flags are still present as well as the three Hunters. Entering the lower bound box will trigger the elevator sequence and entering the bound box at the top of the elevator will activate the Control Tower cutscene once more. These elevator sequences will ultimately place Samus back on the Olympus. This can be done an infinite amount of times.
  • Despite the room's Map stating the Control Tower is entered via a Blue Door, no such door can be seen in both the Tower Elevator and the Control Tower. Atop the Elevator lies two sealed GF blast doors that Samus is unable to see normally due to her back facing the doors.

