
Transit Tube B is a room in Eastern SkyTown in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.


The only purpose this room serves is to serve as a access to Zipline Station Delta from the room Research Pod Lift. The first time Samus enters this room a single Pirate Trooper can be found here. If Samus comes back to this room again, she will find a Phazon Metroid here instead.

Connecting rooms[]



Piston structure
"Piston structure produces energy that is used to supply power to the pod engines."

Development notes[]

The room's internal name is 0y15_skytown_donut, referencing its shape as a circular portion. The keyword skytown indicates Skytown, Elysia, and the prefix 0y15 indicates that this is the 15th of 22 pod corridors throughout the planet.


  • If this room is entered from Zipline Station Delta on the first visit, the Armored Pirate Trooper will ignore Samus until it is hit or she reaches the door to Research Pod Lift.
  • The Phazon Metroid in this room does not appear to phase through the center pillar when chasing down Samus, despite being capable of doing so. Instead it either hovers around the pillar or it flies to the top and phases past the pillar's connecting base on the roof of the room.

