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"Transport to Ghavoran" is a large room in Burenia. It appears in Metroid Dread.


There is an elevator to Ghavoran at the very top of this room, which is positioned near the upper side of the interior Burenia facility. The exterior of it is visible through walls in the background, and heavy rainfall outside is audible as well.

The lower portion of the room connects to the chamber underneath "Drogyga's domain" via two tunnels and one Grapple Beam Door. To the left side of the room on this level are the tentacles of Drogyga itself. They cannot be shot at or interacted with, nor will they attempt to impede Samus. Once the creature has been killed, they shrivel into a husk like the rest of Drogyga. A small number of light fixtures illuminate the tentacles and other parts of the room, with the rest of it dimmed. The lower floors are divided in half by a midair wall with outcropped platforms in a zig-zag fashion, leading up to an Energy Recharge Station. This is positioned next to a wall with a Breakable Organic Block on the other side.

Under normal circumstances, Samus must defeat Drogyga and then enter this room from a tunnel in the chamber below the creature. This leads to the organic block wall, where it can be destroyed. Doing so opens and exposes the upper half of Transport to Ghavoran, which is a long shaft with two ledges comprised of Pitfall Blocks, and three blue magnetic strips for climbing. In the background of the shaft is a large display of holographic schematics. The third strip stretches over the ceiling, allowing Samus to reach a ledge leading to the elevator above, and the door to a Save Station.

Using the Pseudo Wave Beam glitch, or a "DT Slide", it is possible to destroy the Breakable Organic Block from the wrong side and proceed to the elevator, skipping Drogyga entirely. A demonstration of the "DT Slide" can be viewed here, and the Pseudo Wave Beam here.

Connecting rooms[]


Enemies in this room will respawn if they are killed, then Samus moves far enough away from their spawning points.

