Sourced name
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Volfons[1] are a species featured in Metroid: Other M.


As their similar name might imply, Volfons appear and behave similarly to wolves. This is furthered by their howling cry and secondary attack of jumping at Samus and biting at her. They also somewhat resemble sabertooth cats, except their scythe-like tusks are curved upwards. Unlike either canines or felines, Volfons have three legs, and they have eyestalks like snails.

Seen in the Cryosphere, they attack Samus, often in groups of 3 or more, by ramming into her. They can absorb and deflect most attacks aimed at their horns. A charged Ice Beam blast can freeze them by their back leg, at which point a single Missile will finish them off.

Rooms in which they are found include the "snow hub", "ice passage", Experiment Floor (after the credits) and "avalanche room".

Official data[]

Metroid: Other M Premiere Edition[]

Mid-Level Enemies (p. 11)
"The Volfons are among the fastest enemies you will encounter. They can ram you with their massive horns, but often prefer to leap into the air and come barrelling down on you from above. Because these creatures are accustomed to living in icy environments, your Ice Beam-enhanced blasts may not have the same destructive effects as it would on other nonarctic enemies. You can, however, freeze them in place with a Charge Beam shot, then finish them off with Normal Missiles."

Nintendo Official Guidebook for Metroid Other M[]

MetroidFusion Fan
Warning: Fan Translation(s) Ahead

This article, section, or file contains text that is unofficially translated by Metroid fans. Some information (such as proper English names) may not be accurate. If an official translation becomes available, the fan translation(s) may be replaced.

"Volfons are wolf-type creatures which charge and tackle Samus. They never appear alone, but almost always in numbers."


  • Volfons may be inspired by kamaitachis, Japanese yōkai thought to be a trio of weasels that appeared in a whirlwind to cut their victim. In the Chūbu, Kinki region, they were seen in snowy regions. Like kamaitachis, Volfons also come in threes, are found in a snowy region, and attack with wind.


