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"Vs. Mystery Creature" is an unnamed battle theme from Metroid: Other M. It was composed by Kuniaki Haishima.


The theme is best known for being played during the Mini-Boss battle against the Mystery Creature, with an introduction to the theme heard during the cutscene where the creature battles the 07th Platoon. However, the theme makes its debut shortly beforehand, with an abridged version playing during the first battle against Cyborg Zebesians in the Exam Center. This same abridged version plays during a later battle against Mighty Griptians in the Sector 1 / Biosphere "confrontation room".

The theme consists largely of frantic metallic percussion, with rhythms that occasionally evoke the iconic leitmotif of Vs. Ridley to subtly hint at the Mystery Creature's true identity. Tumultuous strings, staccato rising trumpets, aggressive low brass, and fast-paced electronic synths add to the music's tension. The introduction builds into the main track by featuring the same percussion and staccato rising trumpets.

The introduction can be heard here: [1] The full-length track can be heard here: [2] The abridged version can be heard here: [3]

