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This article is about the theme from Return of Samus. For other games, see Vs. Queen Metroid (Disambiguation).

"Vs. Queen Metroid" is an unnamed theme from Metroid II: Return of Samus. It was composed by Ryoji Yoshitomi.


This theme is played during the climatic battle against the Queen Metroid in her nest in Phase 9. Therefore, it serves as the final boss theme.

This theme opens with a slow buildup, a repeated pattern of four notes that gradually increases in tempo and pitch before slowing down again slightly. The theme then progresses to its main loop, a short but threatening melody with the previous pattern continuing to play quietly as its harmony. Each loop ends with a dissonant chord that rises and falls with a glissando. Heavy, echoing percussive hits play throughout the track. The theme can be heard here: [1]

The Queen Metroid has a different theme for her appearance in Metroid: Samus Returns, which was composed by Daisuke Matsuoka. However, Daisuke Matsuoka's version seems to be heavily inspired by the original theme and is very likely intended as an arrangement. In particular, the vocal chants heard halfway through the new song sound nearly identical to the original theme's opening; the section of the melody where an organ plays rapidly descending and ascending notes resembles part of the original theme's melody; and the dissonant organ chords are reminiscent of the very ending of the original theme's loop.
