
Watch Station Access is a room in the Sanctuary Fortress. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It is a long tunnel containing a chasm in the middle, with an Energy Tank on one side that can be reached with the Screw Attack or by scanning a switch to lower some Grapple Points. A Roll Jump or Kip Dash can also be used to reach it.

Connecting rooms[]

Sanctuary corridor


Energy Tank
Accessible only from one side or until the Grapple Points are lowered. The Screw Attack can also be used to reach it from the opposite end.


Grapple Point
"System: Grapple Point
Unit is a viable attach point for the Grapple Beam.
To use the Grapple Beam, use L when the Grapple Point symbol icon appears."
Interface Module
"Training system initiated.
Grapple points to active positions."
Energy Tank
"Energy Tank
Permanently increases your maximum energy capacity by 100 units."