This article is written from the Real Life point of view |
The subject of this article is not named in-game.
The current title is from the game's internal data.
Zako (as named internally) is a minor battle theme in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
It plays during all three battles with Metroid Hatchers, as well as an infestation of Crawlmines and Crawltanks in the Xenoresearch Lab on the G.F.S. Olympus, a battle with "Jolly Roger" Drones in Generator A on Norion, and during the Pirate Commander battle on the Skyway. In this regard, Zako serves a similar role as the Metroid Battle Theme and Short Battle themes.
The theme includes many of the same riffs heard in the VS. Giant Beetle theme, and overall resembles an arrangement of the original minor boss theme that adds a new choir melody. It also features various electronic sound beats heard in several Prime series tracks.
The theme can be heard here.
- The track's title is the Japanese word meaning "small fish" (雑魚 zako ), which is a euphemism for a lowly-ranked person, referring to the song's use for minor enemies. In this regard, even the Pirate Commander is considered a "small fish" compared to Ridley, High Command, and Dark Samus.